We restart holding services at the building at 6.30pm every Sunday evening from Sunday March 14th , and all are welcome!
Please note that due to the current Coronavirus situation, there are strict limitations in place for church services. There will be no singing, people will be allowed to sit next to those from their own households, but at a distance from everyone else. We ask people not to engage socially with those from other households/social bubbles, and thus we will expect everyone to leave the building promptly after the service has finished. There will be no creche and no special provision for children during this time. We encourage all who attend to plan ahead so that use of toilet facilities can be avoided. (The disabled toilet will be available if necessary). Those attending will need to wear a face-covering, in line with Government guidelines and regulations. All attenders will need to leave contact details for ‘track and trace’ purposes, though this can be done via the NHS app.
Notwithstanding all those restrictions, we will be meeting together bodily and the Lord will be present with us by his Holy Spirit. We pray that as we meet together we will be able to encourage one another and worship the Lord with joy together- Hebrews 10:25.
If you are able to, let us know that you plan to come, that would be helpful. Contact Graham, on , or 0118 9542673 to do so.
On Sunday mornings we will continue to ‘livestream’ a service, via the KV Fellowship page on YouTube.
Weekly events: NRG and Revolution groups will be on zoom, – contact Charlie at for more details.
Also Crowded House will now be on Zoom.
Prayer meetings will continue to happen via Zoom, as does our PatO ,‘Prayer at 1pm’, every day, Monday to Friday.
Other church events in the building: Coffee Club, Coffee mornings, Tiddlers, Primetime, Explorers, Adventurers, Craft Club, Book Club, Who Let the Dads Out: I am afraid these are all cancelled until further notice.
Third Party users of the building: Please speak to those who organise these groups, but we are only able to allow support groups to use the building at this time.
Support and Help: The KV hub continues to operate, to help people with shopping, picking up prescriptions etc. If you would like to access help via the hub, please contact me. The community around us: If you are in our local community and reading this and need help because you are selfisolating, please get in touch, and we will try to help. You can do this even if you don’t come to our church. You can leave a message on the church phone, or email me – see below.
Graham Cooke, Pastor, Kennet Valley Free Church: Church telephone: 0118 942 1591