A couple of Sundays ago we spent the morning reflecting on what God in his Word has to say to Young Adults today. We saw that for the disillusioned, the disconnected and the dislocated there is a wonderful saviour, Jesus. As we enjoy life with Jesus he helps us to step out of childhood whilst keeping our childlike dependence on the Father. You can listen back to that sermon here.
In the week leading up to that Sunday I sent out a survey to ask the church family about their experience of Young Adulthood. There were some wonderful answers shared, but due to timing I couldn’t include everything. There is one set of responses that I’ve asked permission to include here. The question was “What would you tell your 25 year old self about who God is?”. Their answers were a wonderful set of one sentence testimonies. My hope is that as you read, that you too will give thanks to God and reflect on what he has shown you of himself since your youth.
He is a loving Father, totally trustworthy who wants your life to be full of joy in Him.
Margaret Pitkethly
Work was part of God’s original plan designed for our joy not a result of the curse.
Luke Bulpitt
God has got everything worked out! You don’t need to worry about a thing – just trust Him!
Kate Scott
God is faithful and in control, even when we feel we can’t see it.
Sue Markiewicz
He is full of Rekhem, Khen, Khesed and Emet.
Pete Markiewicz
God knows and has a perfect plan for your life – trust Him instead of struggling and striving to figure it all out yourself.
Danielle Thomas
If God is for you, how who be against you? Speak to the Lord every day and bring every worry to him as your way ahead becomes clear, but always remember also to thank him for each day as well.
Pamela Downing
Trust in God he has a plan for your life.
Stephen Gomm
Let the folks who you know are committed Christians talk to you about being a committed Christian