Tom Wederell speaks on Prayerful affection and warnings from Acts 20:36-21:6.
Tom Wederell speaks on Prayerful affection and warnings from Acts 20:36-21:6.
Tom Wederell speaks on Prayer from a jail cell from Acts 16:16-40.
Graham Cooke speaks on The power of corporate prayer from Acts 12:1-17.
Graham Cooke speaks on Prayer and Cornelius’ conversion from Acts 10:1-38.
Graham Cooke speaks on Prayer as a sign of life from Acts 9:1-19 .
Tom Wederell speaks on Prayer and the healing of Dorcas from Acts 9:36-43.
Graham Cooke speaks on Prayer for the Spirit from Acts 8:9-25.
Tom Wederell speaks on Stephen’s prayer for his persecutors from Acts 7:55-60.
Charlie Baines speaks on Prayer in service and sending from Acts 6:1-6, 13:1-3, 14:23.
Graham Cooke speaks on Prayer for boldness from Acts 4:23-31.